Frontend Javascript Frameworks
1. Angular - Angular JS is a front-end framework that specializes in building Single-Page applications. Supported by Google, it is used to build beautiful front-end user interfaces that are dynamic single-page applications.
2. React - React JS turns out to be quite a useful open-source, front-end Javascript library to create interactive UI components and building user interfaces.
3. Vue - Vue.js is a progressive framework designed to power single-page applications when used in a group of supporting libraries and modern tools.
4. Ember JS - Ember.js is a super productive, battle-tested JavaScript framework for building modern and rich UIs for web applications.
5. Backbone JS - Backbone.js is an uber-light framework that allows you to give structure to web applications in an MVC fashion where models include key-value binding and custom events.
1. Angular - Angular JS is a front-end framework that specializes in building Single-Page applications. Supported by Google, it is used to build beautiful front-end user interfaces that are dynamic single-page applications.
2. React - React JS turns out to be quite a useful open-source, front-end Javascript library to create interactive UI components and building user interfaces.
3. Vue - Vue.js is a progressive framework designed to power single-page applications when used in a group of supporting libraries and modern tools.
4. Ember JS - Ember.js is a super productive, battle-tested JavaScript framework for building modern and rich UIs for web applications.
5. Backbone JS - Backbone.js is an uber-light framework that allows you to give structure to web applications in an MVC fashion where models include key-value binding and custom events.